Restoring earth buildings and community life at Moon Desert in the Moroccan Sahara
The Moon Desert project is preserving and sharing traditional knowledge about earth building and desert living in southern Morocco.

Self-sufficiency and tourism in the Wadi Rum Desert
Malakot Camp in the Wadi Rum Desert of Jordan shows how a combination of responsible tourism and traditional Bedouin knowledge can improve lives while keeping traditional cultures alive.

Community development in indigenous Guatemala by Mayan Families
Mayan Families is a non-profit organization that works with community development and poverty alleviation in indigenous communities in rural Guatemala.

Building structures and futures with bamboo around Lake Atitlan
When used correctly, bamboo is a material that has the potential to improve lives, boost local economies and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Rise and fall of ancient Maya water management
Elegant water management strategies made the rise of the ancient Maya possible, but did it also make them vulnerable to climate change and collapse?

Cob houses and community living at Ecovillananda
Ecovillananda is a permaculture based community in southern Mexico that promotes sustainable living in the village of San Sebastian Rio Hondo.

Chinampas, the floating gardens of a sinking city
Chinampas are an efficient Mesoamerican method of agriculture and a reminder of Mexico City’s past as a city of canals and artificial islands.

Development of Ancestral Puebloans and their architecture
Ruins of Southwest USA tell the story of Ancestral Puebloans and the development of their architecture, partly driven by environmental factors like drought.

Traditional earth lodges of the Great Plains
Indigenous people of the Great Plains of North America had a variety of dwellings adapted to the local climate, including circular dome-shaped earth lodges.

The Persian ice house, or how to make ice in the desert
The Persian ice house and ice making technique are a fine example of what can be achieved without electricity by understanding physics and the local climate.