Traditional desert architecture of South-East Tunisia
The desert region of South-East Tunisia is home to some extraordinary traditional architecture, including cave houses and fortified granaries.

Life inside the volcanic crater of Pico do Fogo
The residents of Chã das Caldeiras on the Cape Verdean island of Fogo choose to live inside the crater of an active volcano despite the constant threat of eruption.

Innovative agriculture meets entrepreneurship at MyFarm
MyFarm is an educational demonstration farm that is improving livelihoods in The Gambia by promoting agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship.

Senegalese villages fight desertification and poverty by becoming ecovillages
Rural communities in Senegal are turning to permaculture and the global ecovillage movement in an effort to fight desertification while improving food security and quality of life.

Sadhana Forest and improving food security through reforestation in Haiti
Sadhana Forest is fighting malnutrition and deforestation in Haiti by planting food-bearing trees with the help of local community members.

Improving indigenous lives with coffee and culture
Preservation of culture and a women’s coffee cooperative are two grassroots projects by the members of La Laguna indigenous community in Nicaragua.

Rise and fall of ancient Maya water management
Elegant water management strategies made the rise of the ancient Maya possible, but did it also make them vulnerable to climate change and collapse?

Tropical agroforestry at Maya Mountain Research Farm
Maya Mountain Research Farm in Belize shows how agroforestry and permaculture can turn damaged soil back into naturally productive landscapes.

Rammed earth construction at a future ecocenter
Rammed earth is a popular sustainable building technique, and the key to building a quality rammed earth structure is understanding the materials.

Urban farming and its necessity in Cuba
Isolation from world trade has forced Cuba to adopt widespread organic urban farming in an effort to guarantee food security on the island.