Sustainable living and education at O.U.R. Ecovillage
O.U.R. Ecovillage is a permaculture based community that educates and brings people together to solve global problems.

Traditional earth lodges of the Great Plains
Indigenous people of the Great Plains of North America had a variety of dwellings adapted to the local climate, including circular dome-shaped earth lodges.

Silent challenges of Indian reservations
I recently volunteered at an Indian reservation and learned a lot about the problems of Native Americans and reservations – and something about solutions.

Global Village volunteering and building houses in Mongolia
A few years ago I participated in Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village program in Mongolia. It was a rewarding experience but I view it differently today.

Water management strategies of Singapore
Singapore’s water management system shows how diversifying water management can improve water security and self-sufficiency in a water scarce country.

The Persian ice house, or how to make ice in the desert
The Persian ice house and ice making technique are a fine example of what can be achieved without electricity by understanding physics and the local climate.

Revisiting a student project in Kenya
Last year I was part of a permaculture and knowledge sharing project in Kenya, and I recently visited the site to see how the project lives on in the local community.

Grassroots waste management at Kibuye market
A group of traders from Kibuye market in Kisumu, Kenya have taken over management of organic waste by turning it into organic manure and a profit.

Searching for windcatchers in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, Pakistan used to be known as the city of windcatchers, but today these traditional ventilation devices are hard to find – but not impossible.

Turf houses, the traditional green buildings of Iceland
Icelanders have been building turf houses for as long as the country has been inhabited, and the buildings are well-adapted to the local environment.