Traditional desert architecture of South-East Tunisia
The desert region of South-East Tunisia is home to some extraordinary traditional architecture, including cave houses and fortified granaries.
School renovations in rural Tanzania with C-re-aid
In 2019-2020 I managed two school renovations in Shimbwe village in Northern Tanzania while working for architectural NGO Cr-e-aid.
Reforestation and community living at Sadhana Forest India
Sadhana Forest India is a reforestation project and a model for sustainable community living.
Participatory design of WASH in schools with UNICEF Guinea-Bissau
In January 2019 I took part in an in-situ studio in Guinea-Bissau where we used participatory design to design inclusive sanitation facilities for schools.
Life inside the volcanic crater of Pico do Fogo
The residents of Chã das Caldeiras on the Cape Verdean island of Fogo choose to live inside the crater of an active volcano despite the constant threat of eruption.
Senegalese villages fight desertification and poverty by becoming ecovillages
Rural communities in Senegal are turning to permaculture and the global ecovillage movement in an effort to fight desertification while improving food security and quality of life.
Moroccan fog harvesting project relieves water stress and rural poverty
Dar Si Hmad is a Moroccan non-profit organization that is improving water security and promoting sustainable livelihoods in rural Morocco with the help of the world’s largest fog harvesting system.
Nature conservation and community service at Al Numeira Environmental Association
Al Numeira Environmental Association is a non-profit organization in Jordan that promotes nature and water conservation in a way that benefits both the environment and the members of the local community.
Self-sufficiency and tourism in the Wadi Rum Desert
Malakot Camp in the Wadi Rum Desert of Jordan shows how a combination of responsible tourism and traditional Bedouin knowledge can improve lives while keeping traditional cultures alive.
How Sonati is raising environmental awareness in Nicaragua
Sonati is a Nicaraguan NGO that is fighting environmental problems through education, community outreach and recycling parks built with reused waste.