Community tourism and environmental protection at Miraflor Natural Reserve
At Miraflor Natural Reserve farming communities, the natural environment and tourists have learned to live together for mutual benefit.

Improving indigenous lives with coffee and culture
Preservation of culture and a women’s coffee cooperative are two grassroots projects by the members of La Laguna indigenous community in Nicaragua.

Boosting rural community tourism with cob houses
A new tourism cooperative in Rio Chiquito, El Salvador gives the locals a chance to benefit from tourism on a new level – thanks to affordable cob construction.

The life-changing bridges of Toni Rüttimann
Toni Rüttimann is an independent humanitarian bridge builder whose pedestrian bridges have changed the lives of two million people.

Community development in indigenous Guatemala by Mayan Families
Mayan Families is a non-profit organization that works with community development and poverty alleviation in indigenous communities in rural Guatemala.

Providing clean drinking water to the people of Lake Atitlan
Water Works is a project in Guatemala that is improving access to clean drinking water in impoverished rural areas with ceramic filters.

Tropical agroforestry at Maya Mountain Research Farm
Maya Mountain Research Farm in Belize shows how agroforestry and permaculture can turn damaged soil back into naturally productive landscapes.

Cob houses and community living at Ecovillananda
Ecovillananda is a permaculture based community in southern Mexico that promotes sustainable living in the village of San Sebastian Rio Hondo.

Rammed earth construction at a future ecocenter
Rammed earth is a popular sustainable building technique, and the key to building a quality rammed earth structure is understanding the materials.

Fundacion En Via – empowering rural women through responsible tourism
En Via is a Mexican non-profit organisation that gives rural businesswomen interest-free microloans that are funded through responsible tourism.