Rammed earth construction at a future ecocenter
Rammed earth is a popular sustainable building technique, and the key to building a quality rammed earth structure is understanding the materials.

Building a permaculture community at Bosque Shambala in rural Mexico
Bosque Shambala is a growing community that can show Mexicans a self-sufficient alternative to crowded and competitive city life.

Development of Ancestral Puebloans and their architecture
Ruins of Southwest USA tell the story of Ancestral Puebloans and the development of their architecture, partly driven by environmental factors like drought.

Sustainable living and education at O.U.R. Ecovillage
O.U.R. Ecovillage is a permaculture based community that educates and brings people together to solve global problems.

Traditional earth lodges of the Great Plains
Indigenous people of the Great Plains of North America had a variety of dwellings adapted to the local climate, including circular dome-shaped earth lodges.

Turf houses, the traditional green buildings of Iceland
Icelanders have been building turf houses for as long as the country has been inhabited, and the buildings are well-adapted to the local environment.

Cyclical design at the Icehotel
The Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi is a work of art that brings out the unique properties of ice and snow in different ways every year.

METI Handmade School – design from tradition
METI Handmade School in Bangladesh shows how modern technology and design can be used to improve traditional building techniques – and rural lives.