Rise and fall of ancient Maya water management
Elegant water management strategies made the rise of the ancient Maya possible, but did it also make them vulnerable to climate change and collapse?

The floating bottle island of Joysxee
Joysxee is an artificial island built out of plastic bottles that teaches the world about the importance of reducing waste and turning it into a resource.

Cob houses and community living at Ecovillananda
Ecovillananda is a permaculture based community in southern Mexico that promotes sustainable living in the village of San Sebastian Rio Hondo.

Rammed earth construction at a future ecocenter
Rammed earth is a popular sustainable building technique, and the key to building a quality rammed earth structure is understanding the materials.

Fundacion En Via – empowering rural women through responsible tourism
En Via is a Mexican non-profit organisation that gives rural businesswomen interest-free microloans that are funded through responsible tourism.

Chinampas, the floating gardens of a sinking city
Chinampas are an efficient Mesoamerican method of agriculture and a reminder of Mexico City’s past as a city of canals and artificial islands.

Building a permaculture community at Bosque Shambala in rural Mexico
Bosque Shambala is a growing community that can show Mexicans a self-sufficient alternative to crowded and competitive city life.