Earthbag domes of Dome Lombok: From ecotourism to earthquake-resistant housing
Dome Lombok is building an ecoresort of earthbag domes on the Indonesian island of Lombok, and the technique is also proving to be valuable for affordable housing in the earthquake-prone country.

Restoring earth buildings and community life at Moon Desert in the Moroccan Sahara
The Moon Desert project is preserving and sharing traditional knowledge about earth building and desert living in southern Morocco.

Self-sufficiency and tourism in the Wadi Rum Desert
Malakot Camp in the Wadi Rum Desert of Jordan shows how a combination of responsible tourism and traditional Bedouin knowledge can improve lives while keeping traditional cultures alive.

Reforestation, conservation and research at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve
Cloudbridge Nature Reserve in Costa Rica is bringing back natural habitats and biodiversity through reforestation and conservation of native forests.

Community tourism and environmental protection at Miraflor Natural Reserve
At Miraflor Natural Reserve farming communities, the natural environment and tourists have learned to live together for mutual benefit.

Boosting rural community tourism with cob houses
A new tourism cooperative in Rio Chiquito, El Salvador gives the locals a chance to benefit from tourism on a new level – thanks to affordable cob construction.

Cob houses and community living at Ecovillananda
Ecovillananda is a permaculture based community in southern Mexico that promotes sustainable living in the village of San Sebastian Rio Hondo.

Fundacion En Via – empowering rural women through responsible tourism
En Via is a Mexican non-profit organisation that gives rural businesswomen interest-free microloans that are funded through responsible tourism.

Reforestation and ecotourism at Las Terrazas
Las Terrazas in Cuba shows how reforestation can simultaneously protect the environment, boost responsible tourism and improve the lives of rural people.